latest #56
does anyone else remember the ridiculously long apps you had to submit for Landel's Damned?
the rape joke memes about Damon Gant being everywhere?
Colorless Juice
3 years ago
did someone whose name you forgot make an incredibly bad post that has been winding you up for twenty years???? SPILL
Colorless Juice
3 years ago
I think I've repressed just about everything
don't you remember? Select all -> selection -> contract -> 1px -> invert -> fill with black
pure starfall
3 years ago
ohhh don't remind me of the damon gant thing god
pure starfall
3 years ago
i hate how every now and then i remember in general how much more acceptable rape jokes were in the 00s
remember fitting miniaturised animated GIFs into icons?
the rape jokes weren't even funny, it was just saying "rape" and then giggling hysterically
Colorless Juice
3 years ago
once in awhile someone would have a portrait icon that would blink every minute and not move otherwise
pure starfall
3 years ago
is any rape joke ever funny
I'm not anti rape joke by any means but if you're going to do it, make a fucking effort imo
yeah I am not comfortable saying any subject can absolutely never have good jokes made about them. memes are by definition not good jokes because they get funnier the more they are repeated, since they are used for social cohesion
there are funny jokes about rape. there are no funny rape memes.
pure starfall
3 years ago
we'll just have to disagree on that one then bc thats a yikes from me
I'm not going to get into rape joke discourse here but it seems obvious that people can write jokes satirising the pathetic nature of rape culture. that's all.
3 years ago
lord the rape jokes. the girl in the community who was constantly like "NOPE THAT'S NOT FUNNY. CUT IT THE FUCK OUT." had the patience of a saint and the strength of Godzilla and the rightness of someone extremely right
anyway we can all agree that the Damon Gant thing was just actual garbage
3 years ago
anyway I blew off a college essay to write my Landel's Damned app and I still got rejected and that made me realize how much I wanted to quit college
Colorless Juice
3 years ago
was Damned that kind of hospital set RP? I thiiiiink I apped in... and then never actually played in it
I might have talked you into apping :-(
the fucking ridiculous era where journalrps expected every app to be like fucking tighter than a goddamned resume
Colorless Juice
3 years ago
I was trying to app MGS2 Ocelot with the whole Liquid's ghost thing, then they said I was accepted but they denied me on the Liquid part, and I thought that wasn't fun so I never played
3 years ago
the most deranged person i have ever met got kicked out of a game (somarium, i think?) for getting mad at people making rape jokes. which... okay yes she did technically ruin my life for many years but god damn,
3 years ago
the fucking culture in 2009 was so evil
3 years ago
This isn't strictly RP related except that it's about RP-partners dating each other and one time a girl I was sleeping with informed me that I was the other woman by telling me, quote, "I accidentally a girlfriend who isn't you '-'a"
Colorless Juice
3 years ago
somarysueme I feel like some organ inside me just physically cringed
somarysueme 😐😐😐😐😐😐
traumatic. agony. torture
3 years ago
3 years ago
sometimes the bullet dodges you
Colorless Juice
3 years ago
when my girlfriend broke up with me I removed her from my friendslist for my own sanity, but later when I tried to rekindle friendship with her and added again I saw in the comments like one journal entry back, a bunch of our mutual friends were trying to scrub my presence from her "top commented" stats by spamming memes for her. I just removed again.
Colorless Juice
3 years ago
Colorless Juice
3 years ago
I mean, just a little bit "oof" feeling there, and also very very LiveJournal
3 years ago
the honored one
3 years ago
oh my god im sure i have something
the honored one
3 years ago
but i once meet someone at LJ because she was the only person who wrote MGS fanfic in spanish, we became friends and she ended going to the same uniersity and career than me.............. it ended bad
the honored one
3 years ago
also her LJ girlfriend hated me because my friend kinned otacon and i rped solid snake so obviously we had something
the "I am playing a ship with this person on the internet so I love them irl" stuff was very unhealthy
Nancy Crawfish
3 years ago
There was the time when a frenemy started an RP that had a handful of people at first but quickly dwindled down to five, and then four, and then three… “Hah,” I thought, “they werent tough and cool enough to stick around.”
Nancy Crawfish
3 years ago
Turns out in retrospect they were smart
Nancy Crawfish
3 years ago
That was…not a good friendship
I vaguely remember this one
some wild personalities in that thing. "frenemy" is right.
one of the more normal people in that game later turned up in Disco Elysium fandom, she's doing fine writing Harry/Kim fic now
Nancy Crawfish
3 years ago
aw, that's good
Nancy Crawfish
3 years ago
the main one, the one who wrote one of those long unfinished fics back in the day, is now a big transphobe
Nancy Crawfish
3 years ago
the world needs a lot less of that and a lot more Harry/Kim fic
oh dear. somehow an unexpected and completely expected outcome at the same time for that individual
she was like the first properly rich person I ever knew online
in those days, I couldn't understand why someone with money would be posting on LiveJournal with us fucking losers. now every A list celebrity is getting into beefs on twitter and I fully understand it
Nancy Crawfish
3 years ago
at least when celebrities have LJs or Tumblrs it involves admitting they're a weirdo for it
Nancy Crawfish
3 years ago
I think GRRM still has an LJ
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