Second Cumming
2 years ago
So what are your favourite avatar enhancements, gadgets, add-ons and all that for le sex (as they absolutely don't say in France)? What are your essentials for a good time?
latest #32
2 years ago
Project Arousal hands down
2 years ago
tbh i have a bunch of stuff and always forget it. i like to use the sensations vag and butthole for dirty photos
2 years ago
I don't do sex in SL, I just dress my avatar cute and sexy...
Cami Mahovlich
2 years ago
I dont really use any gadgets, I find emoting to be the best for arousal
Second Cumming
2 years ago
CamiMahovlich: all the bits in the world don't make up for terrible RP game ^5
2 years ago
Whiskey Neat
2 years ago
I want to hear more about project arousal.
Whiskey Neat
2 years ago
I mean, I gotta be honest, I’m a fan of the old fashioned Ruckus couch.
Second Cumming
2 years ago
WhiskeyMonday: OH MY FAVE!!
Whiskey Neat
2 years ago
Whiskey Neat
2 years ago
I, of course, am too fancy for that ugly couch. So I put the engine in a Trompe couch.
Second Cumming
2 years ago
ha! we have the engine in a dragon-skull bed and some rocks
Whiskey Neat
2 years ago
“Some rocks”
2 years ago
pa is hilarious, I have an add on for it that makes me randomly fall over into lewd positions
2 years ago
and Dakota has a dart gun he can shoot at people wearing pa that makes their arousal go up
2 years ago
we have project monsters that if we ever get our sim public ready will be roaming around to molest people
2 years ago
I love the PA monsters. Imma need that add on tho
2 years ago
the falling over addon is called clumsy I think
2 years ago
if two people with that adding run into each other they get a random chance of falling on each other in a sexy pose
2 years ago
Second Cumming
2 years ago
nimil: will look forwards to an invite to that!
2 years ago
we are hoping to make it a hang out casual rp place with little nooks to be horny in
Second Cumming
2 years ago
Sounds great
2 years ago
PA is really fun I stopped using it since the 2.0 update tbh but I miss the old simple one of it
2 years ago
I got spankers that link up to RL toys from ross/lovebridge thing its interesting but havent played with it much
2 years ago
PA is really fun I stopped using it since the 2.0 update tbh but I miss the old simple one of it
Second Cumming
2 years ago
Ziekling Oh that is very interesting, the Lovense toys?
2 years ago
Ziekling: I haven't got the 2.0 one, I felt a bit miffed about it tbh
2 years ago
yeah so you need first the lovense toys, then lovebridge, then r.o.s.s. the place that makes drools has a spanker that links to it all
2 years ago
and yeah the 2.0 being double the price, was a bit gross to me, I'm actually 100% fine with paying for an update because I understand the work that goes into it, but I used to gift/refer a lot of people to get the base game, and 2k for a base make it just a little much. They should've kept it 1k and just make you pay for add ons.
2 years ago
yeah i don't have 2.0 either for the same reason
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