Newt / Knute
2 years ago
(work) extremely specific complaining about web dev coding
latest #6
Newt / Knute
2 years ago
im dying here, our IT guy cares SOOO FUCKING MUCH about if database tables are left behind by themes and plugins and literally NOBODY ON THE PLANET BUT HIM CARES THIS MUCH
Newt / Knute
2 years ago
i have LOOKED, i have SEARCHED, i have tRIED to find people who care ENOUGH to ask the stupid question 'are database tables left behind?" and NOBODY CARES
Newt / Knute
2 years ago
and its ABSOLUTELY DESTROYING ME because honestly, i also don't care. oh, it left database tables behind? Here i go wasting TWO MINUTES of my life to delete them. maybe FIVE if i have to google what the table is even associated with
Newt / Knute
2 years ago
Newt / Knute
2 years ago
and then its like "we have to find slider plugins that meet all my standards" THERE ARE NONE. THEY ALL LEAVE TABLES BEHIND. KEEP THEM ON FILE AND DELETE THEM LATER
Newt / Knute
2 years ago
so now im left here asking stupid questions about stupid problems because our IT guy is just... too busy doing I Don't Know What to do this. must be nice writing 7 page long e-mails (YES!!! SEVEN PAGES!!!!!) about nothing, using up 1-2 hours of the pay period, and then running out of hours in less than a week
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