we’re legends
2 years ago
today i went to my local art museum and saw some very cool things
latest #21
we’re legends
2 years ago
first, my favorite: this painting, "Strong," is by Wassily Kandinsky in 1929, and the jpg doesn't come close to the experience but it's better than nothing

we’re legends
2 years ago
i must have studied it for five minutes (a long time with ADHD)! I was drawn in by the splatters of color in those tiny squares, none of which fully filled the squares, and the way the paint seemed so sparely used in comparison to the thick and lush strokes elsewhere in the exhibit
we’re legends
2 years ago
like the colors made swoops in my stomach; i got up close (glad of my mask to keep me from breathing on it) to examine how the paint had settled and how deep the thin lines had marked the canvas over the years. i fuckin loved it, gonna go back again (free with $5/mo membership) just to stare at it some more
we’re legends
2 years ago
near it was a modern painting I found fun but didn't check the artist's name. the painting itself was named "bunch of grapes," and while the grapes were there and centered in the painting, they were also the least noticeable subject; everything else had bold blocking or bright colors
we’re legends
2 years ago
i also really got into a piece from a collection called The Dog Days Will Be Over Soon by Bita Razavi
we’re legends
2 years ago
both pieces displayed were footage from violent videogames - Far Cry 5, The Hunter: Call of the Wild - focused fully on scenery rendered in each game. The museum captions noted specifically that Razavi is not a gamer
we’re legends
2 years ago
the Call of the Wild footage, a six minute loop, was projected onto a wall with a bench in front of it. i sat down to watch, unsure whether my ADHD and i would be able to sit through more than thirty seconds
we’re legends
2 years ago
i got drawn in. the footage shows the change from day to evening, from rain to clear, and i found myself gazing at it almost meditatively and reflecting on the fact that video games are art. they are. people who still think they aren't are fuckin out of touch
we’re legends
2 years ago
i watched it twice
we’re legends
2 years ago
there was more than that but just
we’re legends
2 years ago
look into your local museums
we’re legends
2 years ago
i subscribed as a member for five bucks a month, so i can go whenever i want and skip the $18 ticket
we’re legends
2 years ago
i'm also gonna show up for First Friday
we’re legends
2 years ago
which is an art walk downtown
we’re legends
2 years ago
and I know we're not the only place that does it
we’re legends
2 years ago
check it out
we’re legends
2 years ago
don't worry about if you Know About Art. here's a secret: you don't have to. there's no right, there's no wrong, there's only finding what draws you in
2 years ago
video games are absolutely art. I'm watching a play-through or my only current video game's latest expansion and it is so damn pretty, like all the scenery and buildings and even the people in it
2 years ago
sounds like you had a nice time, tho, that's awesome :3
we’re legends
2 years ago
i did! and video games fuckin are
we’re legends
2 years ago
i love that this artist didn't go for indie games, but for big mainstream ones, just to examine them
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