3 years ago
[ff14] [pandemonium spoilers/speculation] I only got around to doing this pretty recently, but...
3 years ago
Themis/Elidibus is really cute, and the fourth battle bgm has been stuck in my head on and off for days now
3 years ago
Erichthonios is also very cute, and I'm like 90% convinced that he's "our" Lahabrea.
3 years ago
as in, the Lahabrea they all keep talking about is going to die at the end of the story probably, and Erichtonios is going to take over his father's seat and title.
3 years ago
do I have much to base this on? Not really, but I've already cried or gotten teary-eyed over the other two unsundered at some point and this would be a way to complete the set, because I'm already too attached to this sweet boy.
3 years ago
Oh that would be fascinating