Sabell wonders
15 years ago
why people like me have to document their life online...*shrug*
latest #9
ellinidata says
15 years ago
because they want attention Sarah,and age does not teach them any better! Chas4 did a post on dangers on such today,you might enjoy it too!
ellinidata says
15 years ago
in your case is not for attention, it is simple things that you share with friends
ellinidata says
15 years ago
I see people talking of the day they have sex, their finances
ellinidata says
15 years ago
I think we just say things that anybody else does share that is not a life document (LOL) by any means (cozy)
ellinidata says
15 years ago
*shispers* secrets never told or documented so far or I missed them :-D
noahcounte says
15 years ago
people need to drop their sh*t somewhere.
ellinidata says
15 years ago
sometimes it is a fullload of sh*t and sometimes it stinks! especially when they declair:"we are horny all week and we scr*w all weekend!
ellinidata says
15 years ago
and i say" and your point is?" why do I have to know that??? even teens have more class! it doesn;t need degrees for one to know "personal"
ellinidata says
15 years ago
should remain "personal". venting for no reason ,consider it as a Karma boost ! :-P
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