weaver ♪
2 years ago
Dialect map! https://images.plurk.com/6wEMzIkjosy6ENtx9jB3cI.png take the quiz yourself here
latest #8
weaver ♪
2 years ago
I've lived in the pacific northwest my whole life, but I've apparently picked up some dialectical quirks from other places - either people I've known or just doing a lot of reading
weaver ♪
2 years ago
the place I lived through middle and high school was right near a military base, so I was going to school with kids from all over the country and I'm confident that had an effect too
weaver ♪
2 years ago
there's just also not a lot of quirks that are super specific to the west coast
slurm lord
2 years ago
yours looks very similar to mine... for obvious reasons hahahaha pnw 4 lyfe
weaver ♪
2 years ago
what I find interesting is that I see some people's maps have a slight dividing line in the west between north and south, right around the California/Oregon border, but others don't have anything of the sort
weaver ♪
2 years ago
it seems to happen to east coast folks mostly
weaver ♪
2 years ago
I'd be curious to see a result from someone born and raised in California as a contrast
slurm lord
2 years ago
weirdly enough I live north of you and my results were in... California and Nevada...
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