quarter trauma
3 years ago
latest #27
quarter trauma
3 years ago
ok listen i want to preface all of this by saying in general i really really love my job
quarter trauma
3 years ago
and for those of you that don't know, i do web design for a marketing firm! they hand me a document of content for the website and a google drive full of photos and i design a site around it based on what the client has indicated they like.
quarter trauma
3 years ago
sometimes, i have to revise sites after they've been sent to clients. that's fine, that's expected. i was just handed an extensive revision that was originally done by a freelance designer we no longer work with. also fine!
quarter trauma
3 years ago
what is NOT fine is that both this, and the emergency project i had last week, had their content docs revised by the lead content writer, who i have now concluded i kind of despise.
quarter trauma
3 years ago
she tends to be like... really blunt with her internal revision requests, to start with, which is Not Great for me as i already really struggle with internal revisions due to rejection sensitivity but i'm really trying to work through it, y'know? but man she makes it that much harder
quarter trauma
3 years ago
and on top of that her revisions have increasingly just... not made any sense based on other feedback or materials i've been given.
quarter trauma
3 years ago
like, with the emergency project from last week - the revisions requests specifically called out that the gallery photos needed captions. the captions were in the content doc, which lead writer personally revised. i added them!
quarter trauma
3 years ago
today i get feedback to take them out, because she "[doesn't] know where those came from, they weren't provided by the client." what the hell???
quarter trauma
3 years ago
and then the revisions from today. dear god.
quarter trauma
3 years ago
they were not kidding when they said extensive. practically all of the text content is changing. which would be fine, it's mostly a copy/paste sitch.
quarter trauma
3 years ago
but then i got to the third page on the site.
quarter trauma
3 years ago
and i'd spent like. 2 solid hours adding text content to this page
quarter trauma
3 years ago
and i stop and look at how much i have left still to add
quarter trauma
3 years ago
excluding the header, intro paragraph, call to actions, and footer
quarter trauma
3 years ago
this page was nearly 6000 words in length.
quarter trauma
3 years ago
most of which included just... really obvious errors that any spelling/grammar check would have caught. things like not capitalizing the word German, forgetting spaces between sentences, "heartwork" instead of "heartworm."
quarter trauma
3 years ago
quarter trauma
3 years ago
which is quite literally how i type when i'm just being casual, but. i am not a website advertising a professional business
quarter trauma
3 years ago
i am like 95% certain she just took content from the old website and threw it in this doc without even bothering to read it. and i'm sure the client wants all this info on there! but it's our job to make this all, you know, digestible to an audience
quarter trauma
3 years ago
if it was some random web writer on the team, i'd just be like. okay, this person just isn't the greatest at their job, we can work this out. but no, this is the head of the content writing team.
quarter trauma
3 years ago
it's just... really, really frustrating. especially because this is for a vet's website, and i was REALLY enjoying it before running into this 6000 word monster of a page! it's covered in puppies, how can i NOT???
quarter trauma
3 years ago
you ruined puppies for me, lady!!
quarter trauma
3 years ago
anyway, that's it. sorry for rambling on for this long but thank you if you actually read any of this screaming into the void
Lightning Bolt
3 years ago
oh my god that sounds frustrating
Lightning Bolt
3 years ago
i'm so sorry
3 years ago
oh geeze...
quarter trauma
3 years ago
ok some good news: i did email her like "um, hey, shouldn't we split up this 6000 word page" and she went "i agree, let's loop in the account executive"
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