2 years ago
[US/COVID] You can now get 4 free tests per residential address.
latest #44
oh it opened early! Ty for this!!!
They appear to be shipping starting in late January, so like
Ty for this!!
2 years ago
thank you. just ordered
2 years ago
thank you for sharing a replurkable!
to me♦my x-mas
2 years ago
awesome thanks for the plurk! didn't know it had opened yet
Bret 🍊
2 years ago
Ugh someone used my address already??? i live alone, why
Bret 🍊
2 years ago
Contacted them so we'll see what happens
oh wow, ty for this!
apparently at the moment it's "per building" and not actually factoring in apartment numbers, although a lot of people have noted that so fingers crossed for it being fixed soon
Snowdrops ミ☆
2 years ago
oh that would explain it as I live in an apartment
Snowdrops ミ☆
2 years ago
2 years ago
Huh. I hope they sort that out considering I live in a building with 21 floors with 26 apartments per floor lmao
2 years ago
I got an order confirmation fwiw but
2 years ago
whew, I lucked out, I live in an apartment but they gave each apartment a separate street number
Louis LaRey
2 years ago
This is a good thing and I don't want to shit on anyone being happy but 4 tests per household period is just... it's bare minimum. It's not even that really. It's insulting to call it a bandaid.
2 years ago
Yeah, that's absolutely true
2 years ago
I'm hoping that once they get the first wave out they'll be sending more, but we'll see
Louis LaRey
2 years ago
I am still, I want to be clear, ordering them. But the fact that we're almost a full year into Biden's presidency and this is it... no masks, no easily available kids when you need them, you still have to go to work and be around folks who might be infected and don't give a fuck just...
Louis LaRey
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
I mean, we also haven't had any more federal stimulus checks so... I'm doubtful. The bar for this administration is very low but at the moment they seem to be trying to do their best to barely clear it.
2 years ago
Oh dear I hope the per building gets fixed soon....
2 years ago
they have a place for units so...hopefully that will help the 'per building' thing
2 years ago
But yeah. It's....pretty insulting
2 years ago
if you live in an apartment building and are getting the error saying boxes have already shipped to that address you can apparently fix it by adding your apt # to the first line rather than the designated apartment # line
2 years ago
haven't tested this but hearing that it works
lmao love that database engineering
jingle bees
2 years ago
y'all can actually get it to load?
2 years ago
yeah, I just checked again now and it's loading fast with no issues
Bret 🍊
2 years ago
I did try adding my apt to the first line but got the same message, so results may vary 8(
Many mistakes
2 years ago
huh, I live in a single home and am getting the 'already ordered' message. Time to check with the partner...
2 years ago
saya on Twitter I found this Twitter thread with people trying creative ways to put in their addresses.
2 years ago
done and done
gayest uncle
2 years ago
Heads up, try to make sure someone can be home when they're delivered/you send to a secure indoor location if possible due to temp concerns:
2 years ago
oops, thanks for the heads-up, I will attempt to grab all my packages on time!
2 years ago
Ohhhh that's..... wow
2 years ago
.....ugh. I live in a townhouse with an outdoor system for mail and packages.
2 years ago
does anyone know how long before the below-35F temps actually ruin them?
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
Thank you for the heads up! I'll have to keep an eye out for the tests. Glad I work from home. But not everyone does
gayest uncle
2 years ago
inthetatras: depends on the brand they send out. This is a fairly comprehensive article, but when you get yours if you're concerned then you might look up info specific to the brand.

Cold temperatures could affect the results of at-hom...
gayest uncle
2 years ago
Big thing seems to be make sure that the test is at room temp before using.
2 years ago
I see. thank you for the information.
gayest uncle
2 years ago
2 years ago
I had them deliver to a PO box that was inside for that reason.
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