finder peace
3 years ago
this ones fun. what assumptions have your chars made about mine?
latest #12
finder peace
3 years ago
go all out bc i Know subaru does not deserve kind ones from some of these ppl. expect little back tho bc im battling a bit of sickness
3 years ago
that under all his brightness there's a lot more going on
Chara Dont
3 years ago
dsfdgfdsd an assumption that is melting like a sugar cube is that subaru is not some kind of trickster incarnate but shin's in it now
there's also that fun assumption that kaede and rantaro went to a normal-ass school
3 years ago
amami thought he couldn't take things seriously and then subaru was all super earnest and soft at him and now he just kind of swings wildly between "i want to trust him" and "if he hurts kamokun i have to kill him"
3 years ago
half of that isnt an assumption but it is what it is
3 years ago
he thinks kaede is SO cool and assumes she is a big leader with lots of friends also. she must draw people in like a magnet, always
finder peace
3 years ago
how the subaru assumptions are correct but kaedes on thin ice I HOPE THESE MELT LIKE SUGAR CUBES TOO AS TIME GOES ON, ITD BE FUN TO PLAY THAT thank u all
finder peace
3 years ago
kagehira: this ones fun bc keigo notes the same assumptions about subaru outloud in a thread and the only person subaru was ever hurt by with it was amami since it was post their "i wanna be friends with you" thread
finder peace
3 years ago
otherwise subaru doesnt care two winks he doesnt mind at all its easier in life to be a shining star than to begin processing loss ☆
💞 sweetheart
3 years ago
nene absolutely thinks subaru got food poisoning through a dare once
finder peace
3 years ago
💞 sweetheart
3 years ago
sometimes you just see a boy and you Know.
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