Hey guys! It's been a while. Wanted to check in on you all and hope you're doing okay. I'm also going to plug a friend of mine's Twitch channel for giggles.

flancois - Twitch
He's going for a community goal to raise enough tokens to get Mysterious Coins - currency he uses in the D&D games he plays! Just hang out and throw the flancs his way and he'll get closer to his goals!
He's a really cool guy who does D&D streams and mapmaking. Definitely recommend him for anyone interested in TTRPG and fun geeky stuff.

I hope we can help him out in that. He helped a friend of mine get into D&D after she had a bad experience with DM and she's learned to love it again so I feel like this is the least I can do for him, haha.
Hello! Glad to hear from you!
glad to see you around