Like....I'm REALLY liking the show. IMO they're doing an excellent job of keeping the spirit of the story while adapting it to a visual/audio medium.
And I like the aging up/darkening of the characters. It skips over some of the whimsy and innocence they have in the first book, but Egwene is so much more likable and Mat's darkness fits well with what will happen later (even if I wish they hadn't gone quite as hard in the last two episodes)
I mean, the great thing about RP (and fanfic) is that you totally can combine them if you want!
Except, I'm not sure how I could
Nothing’s stopping you, if that’s what you wanna do, go for it!
i was gonna say, i entirely just did that with the bits i liked from the various iterations of naruto LMFAO
Because they wholecloth cut out big scenes and relationship stuff
Just take whatever bits you like from each and mash em up
but they also matured him and made him a bit more complex
hmm that does make it more difficult yeah ;;
xD I'm trying to explain to a fellow nerd friend who is also loving the show
that my issues with the adaptation is not its quality...but the fact that I don't know how to combine them for the hobby I'm not currently doing
listen it's an important thought exercise even if you don't plan to make use of it LOL
Like...not really spoiling anything, but there's supposed to be a good month or two of Mat and Rand traveling with Thom Merilyn, including on a boat, where they learn some gleeman tricks and get close
I mean, if there’s something they cut that you like, add it back in? AU it if you have to. Idk I know shit-all about the books but the point of RP, imo, is to do what you want haha
and then Thom "dies" similarly to how he does in the show, but it's after they've built up this beautiful connection...and then there's the back and forth of Mat trying to take care of each other when they're on their own
and even when Mat is getting super sick and corrupted from the dagger, Rand (unknowingly) channels for the first time and it gives him an awful fever, and Mat drops everything to protect him
and.....none of that is in the show. lmao
I'm not complaining. They're doing an excellent job of hitting the high points in a series where nearly every book is over 1000 pages
but man...that's a lot of tweaking to build that AU.
(let's be honest...the fact that I'm thinking about it this much probably means it will happen. Dunno when, but it's gonna)
Eh, that doesn’t sound like it’d require a lot of tweaking. Rand and Mat are clearly super close. Sounds like all you’d really want to do is expand on the relationship between Mat and the singer guy.
Well, part of it depends on what they do with Mat is season 2. Because they split the party in the show in a way that certainly didn't happen in the books. So I'd have to decide when and where things line up with different canons.
It's not impossible. Just tricky
To me, that doesn’t even qualify as an AU, it just sounds like you want to write more interstitial stuff to flesh out the character relationships
I want to steal the maturity from the show and the timeline from the books. xD
They do have different voices, though. If I played a more mature Mat, he'd probably be less of the prankster that I played him as when I was pulling from the books
You know what I need? I need advice from folks who are used to playing comic/manga characters xD. So yeah...
crepusculae I might have to pick your brain later
personally my advice is ..... it's okay if it kinda doesn't make sense as long as the end result is something you have fun with
i imagine WoT as a canon in general is a lot less bullshittery than Naruto but there are plenty of things that don't even make sense in ONE iteration, let alone multiple
i just pick whatever works for my interpretation and either make it make sense somehow or try not to talk about it LMFAO