we’re legends
2 years ago
so here's some commentary on capitalism: i am literally trapped in my room because i have the plague and today is the most relaxed and well-rested and actually energized i've felt in months
latest #8
we’re legends
2 years ago
it helps that for me, "the plague" is manifesting as "blowing my nose a lot, can't smell stuff, and don't even wanna think about what i coughed up earlier" instead of anything actually awful (so far), but like. yikes
2 years ago
I mean /waffles hand around
2 years ago
I had a handful of days last year where I cried over lost human contact, but other than that being stuck at home all day is actually pretty nice
2 years ago
I'm really glad your symptoms are mild tho. really glad
we’re legends
2 years ago
i mean. this is very different from when i was drawing unemployment and hiding at home. there's a known endpoint, for that starters
we’re legends
2 years ago
also SAME and praying they stay that way
2 years ago
that's certainly true! this is more like a mildly uncomfortable vacation
we’re legends
2 years ago
Pretty much
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