we’re legends
2 years ago
lol so today was literally payday and i am already fucked on my very slim budget for the next two weeks (holiday shopping doncha know) bc some unspecified disaster at my preferred grocery store ended up costing me way more in transportation than i could afford!
latest #21
we’re legends
2 years ago
i could afford the solitary indulgence of ubering from work to that specific location and was planning to take the bus home, but when we got there, there were like four cop cars and an ambulance and i think a firetruck???? and it looked like everyone had been evacuated
we’re legends
2 years ago
so my driver offered to take me to a different location and i had to bc i needed food for the rest of the week
we’re legends
2 years ago
so that like doubled the cost of that trip
we’re legends
2 years ago
and the new location is badly placed for catching any bus at all after six so i had to shell out for another ride
we’re legends
2 years ago
and i was ALREADY in "ramen for dinner for two weeks" mode
we’re legends
2 years ago
we’re legends
2 years ago
i know i can count on getting some money for christmas which softens the blow a bit
we’re legends
2 years ago
but this was a razor thin margin of error kind of week and i have destroyed that line with a shovel
we’re legends
2 years ago
anyway i just needed to shout somewhere
we’re legends
2 years ago
thank god i already bought my no way home tickets
2 years ago
poke me if you need something, as always, love
we’re legends
2 years ago
<3 i might have to. we'll see how things shake out for next week
we’re legends
2 years ago
oh god also, i of course hope that everyone was fine and it was a false alarm, or everyone was fine and got to go home early, or whatever the best outcome is involving everyone being fine. i was too busy crying for myself to actually say that part
we’re legends
2 years ago
ugh i forgot that i've lost my ride home from work bc of rising covid cases in Maine (the coworker who was driving me has young grandchildren to worry about and obvs that comes first) so my bus fare needs have also doubled
2 years ago
oh no...
we’re legends
2 years ago
i am accepting holiday gifts for catsue83 on Venmo or cathryn.s.mason at gmail through PayPal? like. also PP me to loan me money or whatever, i'll pay you back, i just don't want to lean too hard on any one person
we’re legends
2 years ago
i mean happily for bus fare there is a monthly cap after which you ride free till the following month, which will be great for January and following months! it just doesn't apply for the rest of December
2 years ago
merry christmas!
we’re legends
2 years ago
oh update for anyone who was wondering - my grocery store is fine and so is everyone who was there when whatever happened happened. i called during my lunch break to check bc i needed to go back tonight lol
2 years ago
I'm glad! because groceries are important and so are grocery store workers
we’re legends
2 years ago
both so true! especially the second part, like, there are other grocery stores, but people are not replaceable
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