2 years ago
my ADHD tip of the day - have a box or container that you put your keys and stuff in when you arrive into the house. I use mine for my gloves and work knife/work keys as well. I no longer lose my keys. I put my daily makeup and cleanser in there too so I don't misplace it. Good stuff!
latest #8
2 years ago
Oh and Dan has been told he will be murdered violently if he moves the box. That is important to do - establish the box boundaries
2 years ago
Mine is to give everything a home so you don't AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA when cleaning because this thing has no address.
2 years ago
I wish I had a home for everything, everything ends up in chaos boxes where it's just mess, but that's gonna change when we move into a bigger place
2 years ago
2 years ago
This sounds like a nice move ♥
2 years ago
I'm on a big diehard purge
2 years ago
Without my key hook I would lose my car keys and work keys and world badge daily. (Also my entire house is little chaos boxes.) :/
2 years ago
the pile of stuff that I put in my key place has gotten so massive it spills out over the floor sometimes. But indeed I rarely lose my keys
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