3 years ago
[art] if you know any friends or family members who like things a little spooky, my boy has his online store up and running:

Mojomutt Designs
A Sample: https://images.plurk.com/60SZNPcw5WpiRa9SyMNZO9.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3lwu0vwTbrYBoyNzqz2sbT.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1JoqWyyf38foM90RWX5rCD.jpg https://images.plurk.com/4vS2B60XjlaBWbxBtnGvQv.jpg
3 years ago
He does gorgeous line work. These are all screen prints, many of which he added details by hand for each individual screen because he's insane and a luddite
3 years ago
I'm slowly getting him to play more with digital art (since we currently don't have a screen bed and he's no longer with the college to use theirs), but he is stubborn
3 years ago
(we are pretty tight, financially, so if you know someone who might be interested in his current inventory, please feel free to share)