Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago
OHAI! It's been a minute since I plurked. Things got crazy. The good news: my dad finally got his (delayed and delayed again etc...) surgery and is doing okay. The bad news; my sisters son was the victim of some random violence on a night out. We even have words for that in Dutch
latest #9
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago
'uitgaansgeweld' (violence on a night out) and got brutally assaulted by a 'kop schopper' ( being kicked on the head repeatedly while already down on the ground). He is okay now, lost a few teeth and got several fractures in his face, bruised allover. They are now int he process of legal stuff, as these kind of attacks are classified as \
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago
manslaughter and/or attempted murder. ;
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago
the attackers fled the scene and are still wanted by the police, they got one of them last night.
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago
My cousin was attacked from behind, never saw them coming, after some comments and bad jokes in a bar. OK, he had a big mouth perhaps. It happens, young dudes (he is 21). And fights happen to, I know. But to keep kicking someone on the head, when they are on the ground, it the lowest of the lowest.
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago
Anyway, he will be fine, but it also costs a lot of money (dental surgery etc), which is somewhat insured but not all. I just want those assholes in jail and pay for it.
2 years ago
Jesus! That is horrible, I'm so sorry! I hope they catch them!
2 years ago
2 years ago
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