we’re legends
2 years ago
Today my sister and I took our dad out to lunch for his birthday and the subject of Gillian Anderson came up, so I mentioned casually that she was in Hannibal and I had given the DVD set to Dad and he was all NO I DO NOT HAVE IT
latest #6
we’re legends
2 years ago
i insisted he did, he insisted he didn't bc he doesn't like Silence of the Lambs etc
we’re legends
2 years ago
we went back to his apartment after lunch and i beelined straight to his extensive DVD collection
we’re legends
2 years ago
Chels; "Are you looking for Hannibal?" Me: "Yeah, and I just fuckin found it"
we’re legends
2 years ago
I shoved it at Dad, not at all graciously, and he was like, "oh, I do have it," genuinely surprised (it was shelved well out of view, so fair enough)
we’re legends
2 years ago
he recognized Mads Mikkelson from Casino Royale and was more interested, and a bit later i got to tell him more about the cast. i mentioned Gina Torres and his browncoat ass was all "she was in Firefly" so i know i got him
we’re legends
2 years ago
and that is my triumph today
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