[NaNo] Within is a list of stories I've got in mind for my short stories \o/ A lot Galar related because twins but not all of them <3
latest #12
Gym Challenge+ in Galar announcement with headcanon for Raihan in it
Post game climax chaos (Showing the twins abilities off in full raging chaos)
Journeying through the caves in Orre, 3 parts
Wahie Wahie and Zero making their way to Alola (Ends in a John Mulaney joke because I am child.)
Dark experiment actual story gone over in Something's Up/Journeying through the caves
Might include my side of any potential threads done :|a idk
Jaq story (hospital) with Saoirse cameo
TsundereShadow: AriesTwix: throw ideas for stories here for me toooo! \o/
throw ideas at you eh? ok gets a homemade idea pie ready
Might drop a coin or 2 for plurk bonuses to make a plurk specifically for keeping track when things get done :|a
Milo + Gordie talking (The Gordie Files!)
still gonna keep calling it the 'Gory files' at home :-D
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