Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
[O’ Fortuna] That webcomic idea.
latest #32
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
So I finished my first basic bitch concept sketch
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago Here’s the first Scribble of Nathaniel
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
The pose is off, the perspective isn’t right
bean check
3 years ago
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
I haven’t looked up a reference how to do a dragon braid yet
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
And he’s gonna be a bit fluffier
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
But I wanted to just get it out into the world before I waffle on about it so much that I never act
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Anyway, this is the first concept for the title image
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Nathan will be standing invitingly, doing a dramatic card flair (which we’re not allowed to do but it’s MY fantasy casino, thank you), as if he’s welcoming the audience to his table
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
I’m thinking maybe a soft brown or olive skin colour, black or brown hair and green eyes?
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Or probably hazel more likely
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
I tried to make his face rounder in this sketch but it made him look like a balloon so I ended up just going ‘I’ll fix it in post’
oooh i like it
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
foxtrots: and yes. I know
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
But I can’t help that I fucking love Nyx’s fucking hairstyle
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
i mean it works for a god of luck ~
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
This is actually the protag. Though your sentence still works in that respect as well
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
It will absolutely work for Tychi
3 years ago
ღuɛɛɴ ♔
3 years ago
Look. This is a webcomic. You're allowed a lot more flair
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Personality: a confidant and entertaining dealer, it out of his uniform he’s hopeless
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Plagued by a minor, but persistent strand of bad luck
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
His change will drop through the slats of a drain while he’s trying to pay for a taco. He’ll be splashed by a mud puddle while walking. His tongue will tie itself in knots talking to other people
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
His favourite pants will split down the seat. He’ll be holding his phone and lose it without moving off his bed and spend thirty minutes searching for it bewildered
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
His pen will be out of ink while he’s trying to take a note down from a phone call and he’ll have to ask them to wait while he’s searches to find another one
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
The only thing he’s missing is a pair of glasses
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Which inevitably he will drop and someone will step on them
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
.....oho. I think I hit upon a thread there
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Nathan has a miserable day of misfortune, and breaking his glasses on his walk home is the low point. He makes a wish that, because of ~~reasons~~ it summons Tychi
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