3 years ago
[forge of destiny] god am i still salty about how bai meizhen was handled
latest #13
3 years ago
like it wasn't awful in itself that she got an awkward 'crushing on a straight girl' story arc
3 years ago
but this was around when Sufficient Velocity was still in its "I hate your yuri fanfiction, but in a progressive way" phase
3 years ago
so people praised the plot development as ~realistic representation~ and thought it was ~so brave~ that yrsillar was willing to write his protag as a heterosexual woman
Princess Emily
3 years ago
Princess Emily
3 years ago
plus lbh it wasn't even handled that well actually
Princess Emily
3 years ago
ling qi avoiding her and being grossed out and all of that other stuff was actually p homophobic even though they made up later, and it never actually examined any of that,
Princess Emily
3 years ago
just ling qi like "maybe we both should be a little bit better" and it's like.... ling qi you were a whole hell of a lot worse after that went down, they do not compare,
3 years ago
I guess if it was supposed to be ling qi being sex/romance repulsed then whatever
3 years ago
but why did you make these choices yrsillar
3 years ago
Princess Emily
3 years ago
this is why there needs to be more actual lgbt cultivator-xianxia stories,,,, /slams hands on table etc
3 years ago
I'll write this... some day...
3 years ago
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