Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
I have found the most extra review of a jrpg I have ever read. It’s so painful, I couldn’t stop reading.
latest #31
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
The fact that it’s literally for one of my favourite games is actually completely beside the point
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
“There lies a clearly optimal strategy to beat each fight, and it barely changed for the entire playtime.
You self buff your fighters.
You use your AOE attacks.
And you heal your party when they’re low on HP.
That’s it. That is the total sum of tactical prowess you need to win 95% of all fights in Lunar: Silver Star Story.”
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
“It makes utility spells essentially useless, and forces you into just killing them as quickly as possible. Since you can take one ‘action’ per turn, you simply pick the one that maximises damage. The enemies don’t have special abilities that require different strategies - the correct approach is always to dps rush them down.”
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
They then describe every single step of opening the menu in order to heal party members in between battle
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Literally, every. Single. Step.
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
“After every single fight you have to open the menu, open the items menu, select the hero with the healing item, select the healing item and then select who you want to heal.”
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
My dude....
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
“If there is a JRPG out there that’s worth playing, I want to hear of it. If it has a compelling story, I want to experience it. But how can I trust that any of these games are worth my time when I must wade through the knotted web of lies that are so deviously spun around them?”
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Thx everybody!
3 years ago
you can just say you don't like the gameplay, it's okay
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
“It would be easy, I think, to just say that this game just isn’t meant for me. And truth be told, if not for my podcast, I never would have started Lunar, let alone completed it. But the paradox of how Lunar received such critical acclaim in the face of what the game actually is continues to grate.”
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
I can’t
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Like original hot topic emo goth extra
3 years ago
could have saved the entire effort of writing this article by saying "man, i don't think JRPGs agree with me"
Thx everybody!
3 years ago
YEAH like
Thx everybody!
3 years ago
it's okay for that style to be grating for you. I get it, there is a process to it that I don't find as interesting as other games. in fact my experience tells me that the JRPGs I really consider my favorites are the ones that did at least something different from the typical JRPG (like Chrono Trigger's team-up abilities or Earthbound's rolling HP)
Thx everybody!
3 years ago
but you don't have to say "how dare this thing in a style I hate be popular"
Thx everybody!
3 years ago
like?! Other people enjoyed it and thought it was good?! That's why you heard it was good?! You don't have to enjoy it yourself just because someone else said it?!
resisting li
3 years ago
lmao wow
resisting li
3 years ago
this is honestly right up there for me with the Straight dude who just declared that 69s are overrated, and anyone who has ever claimed to like one is a liar, because "you can never actually line up correctly," as if he and his wife's height difference is just, universal, and all couples experience the exact same height difference
resisting li
3 years ago
again, if he hadn't said they're overrated for everyone and called everyone who has ever claimed to like one a liar,
resisting li
3 years ago
but some people just can't help generalizing their experiences to the entire rest of the world lol
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
I’m in awe, really
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
I started out a little offended cause it felt like he was missing the entire point of these characters and their story but it tipped from ‘this thing you love is actually emptier than spun sugar’ to enraged strategy is king dudebro SO FAST
Sir Nyx-A-Lot
3 years ago
Probably about the moment he proved to be one of those ‘pokemon is actually grim and problematic’ types of people
3 years ago
this is peak Your Experiences Are Not Universal
resisting li
3 years ago
resisting li
3 years ago
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