padredana wonders
15 years ago
what the all time best home remedy for sinus congestion/infection there is.
latest #10
15 years ago
My life has been much better since I started using Zertec and Nasanex year round - used to be antibiotics twice a year - none for 2 years
padredana says
15 years ago
Nice! thanks for the input...I think I may need to make a visit to my allergist soon.
Jjoy says
15 years ago
Fenu-Thyme, triple mushroom complex, and garlic soup
15 years ago
take Echinacea and Grapefruit seed extract 2-3 times a day, take MucineX-(or generic) and sudafed 12 hour, along with tons of water
15 years ago
Mucinex or generic(i guess if i put a parenthesis next to an x it creates a smiley
15 years ago
also use a saline rinse or spray to rinse and blow your nose till it is clear up to 5 times a day
15 years ago
that formula keeps me off anti-biotics 6 years out of 7
15 years ago
I have a friend who recommended boiling an onion, then stand over the steam. It removes impurities in the sinuses.
15 years ago
Never tested it, though.
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