✎𓃗 says
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
latest #15
2 years ago
it was not top-notch but its so good its good enough for me to analyse everything non-stop
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
like the escaping part, it's average but i enjoyed it cuz the clues and plans were delicately designed and audiences (who thinks along like me) can guess/ deduct all along tgt w the characters. The deduction part was amazing and the pace was so good its quick but it gave you enough time and details to observe the clues needed to solve the games
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
apart from the plot, character designs are generally quite well-done with all the characters fully utilised w their features and backgrounds. Noone was left out/ just cameos. everyone's fully exploited, history or functions. good. Of cuz it would be great had they had more scenes but its good enough and in place.
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
i genuinely felt like i was in the games solving it was thoroughly enjoyable. The thrill was uncomparable. It was awesome cuz i havent felt like this in such a long time. My adrenaline. I dont think even AOT can compare in terms of short-term excitement? It just gives me such a rush of adrenaline I didnt expect at all cuz I didnt think it would be this >
2 years ago
delictae and intricately designed. I love the second trap it was the most logical and justifiable one. And I love seeing the characters team work in spite of such difficult and suffocating situations. It just gathers all elements I preferred in a single 90 mins film which is a good thing.
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
Of cuz, last but not least, the ending. The pace was so good and the camera work was so well done you couldnt hv noticed it. But it's unexpected no matter you got all the clues or not.(cuz they didnt show you all and deliberately wanted you to think another way round. I loved it cuz it surprised me successfully when the dots are finally connected at the end
2 years ago
my hands are still shaking a little while Im typing all this shit instead of my paper cuz of over-excitment. I dont think I can sleep well today cuz Im now too overwhelmed with such a great character design and ending (twist, given with enough background clues & info that you can connect the dots, which are what made it a good twist instead of an average one
2 years ago
I might have a nightmare if I go to bed in this state cuz Im damn hel excited. The ending it was so good (not actually good in terms of the fucked-up-ness but when you connect the dots it all makes sense. Thats the feeling I craved for. The plans, the games, the clues, the darkness, the depth, the thrill. I crave for deduction reasoning and problem-solving.
2 years ago
I originally was a little disappoint when it was reaching the ending cuz everything was too easy. But like shit, cliffhanger! and even more fucked-up compared to the first scene when you finally got the truth. The loop was so good in terms of simple cases.
2 years ago
I really love logical reasoning and deducing along clues cuz I hvae been seeing myself as a detective and a film critic and aint I
2 years ago
Ok i have too keep on working on my damn paper (and reply my work messages uGH URGHHHHHHH) bye for now ( I might come back)
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
I now kinda wanna start goldcome now that I crave for thrills and excitement. It just gets my dopamine over the threshold so bad. SigH I dont want to actually but I wonder how I will think ab it (I DONT WANNA DRAW NEW CHARACTERS ANYMORE LEAVE ME ALONE PLS) Im now looking forward to the reading report of the future me LMFAO
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
shipping new ships and simping for new characters hurt y'know????? like the first question came to mind was, Will I draw them?? Will I?? Cuz Its fucking painful when you go too deep and when I love sth I love it wholeheartedly. I dont want to abandon Jean (I might not but AOT just didnt surprise me enough actually I need another escalated rush of adrenaline)
2 years ago
but now that I see so damn many ppl drawing them (goldencome) I dont really wanna start the series...I might consider. I just enjoy fresh new triggers and visual stimulation aint I lol
2 years ago
And form the view of the production side and socio-cultural aspect, it’s good too cuz it’s women saving males/females and women outsmarting men (lol I didn’t have to address it like this but in surviving games like this, I was like, finally)
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