2 years ago
Sigh looks directly into my sony dslr I'm sorry fellow plurkers. I have made a severe and continuous lapse in judgement. I have done you all wrong with my blatant falsehoods and lies in the hopes of being one of the "cool kids." For those who I have called out specifically, the "tea" that I have quote unquote "spilt" is not as hot it I made it out to be
2 years ago
You are not wallet stealing sexual deviants, your penis isn't skinny, cats look fucking rad in boots, you do not smell like cheese (I hope), and Joe is not your mama. for those who are reading this ( ≧Д≦), I am sorry
2 years ago
I had lost my way in the chase for clout. but I'm the one who got clouted on. all over. I lost what was most important to me, and that was the respect I should have given to my fellow plurkies
2 years ago
tch. you knew i would never steal wallets and posted that anyway... im heartbroken...
2 years ago
clouded by the clout