are you sure?? private plurk will have the lock sign.
oh you say private plurk has the lock sing
but i typed out your name
only you are supposed to be able to read it are lock sign
hmmms- everyone's confused.
let's just censor our selves ><
but i put iknee's name in the private plurk thingy
oh! u mean it is supposed to be you and aini only! omg, for a while i was
that you called me baby.
HAHA. see. soooo cannot gossip here
nutthinnggg. who's voxypop!!!
but but...nisha managed to make another locked convo leh
HAHA. ask mum then :p and be niceeee
hi sam. join the confusion.
.....this is so not a private convo anymore ><
omg, more intruders. LOL.
....why my mistress so angry today?
cause my hashbrowns are waiting for me
hahaha. i'm so doing work
*laughs* this aint no private plurk.
HAHA yani why are you laughing by yourself
hey! i made an effort to make it private!
sweetmiserry is a bad teacher
but i feel powerless here
oh wait...double y, not double r
so many chat boxes go away!
not good for visual health!
LOL. poor son, go take a break from plurk
it's long as you feed me, it tastes great
thinks all of their convos have to be private
so like..the whole world can see
OI! the of you! when i'm here still canf lirt!
er, where's your privvy plurk?
why no one want to private plurk meeeee?!
i private plurked yani but no reply ><
she's bz laughing to herself
refresh the timeline dudeeees.
i cannot find any private plurks!