3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
Only plurker's friends can respond
latest #13
3 years ago
I'm slowly getting back into things. Some tags are still hard but I'm doing better right now than I have recently. I'm going through some things emotionally and while I've gotten better, it's still hard at times.
3 years ago
I want to apologize to any people waiting for me and to thank you all for your patience.
3 years ago
hopepunk I'm going to respond to your comment too but I just wanted to thank you here for responding to my HMD post and writing such kind words to me. I was/still am having trouble with my writing but seeing that comment not only inspired me to not give up, but also mdae my mood improve with roleplay in general. Thanks.
🍉 catipede
3 years ago
hey anne, j told me that you haven't been doing so well and i wanted to let you know that i hope you're alright and that things get better, i hope you had a good birthday if it already passed, ik things haven't been so good for you so im sending you lots of hugs and support
3 years ago
3 years ago
Onomatophobia I'm feeling better at the moment so I'm taking the time to write while I can. I did have a great birthday. Thanks for checking in on me. I'll try to catch the next stream when you do it. Our discussions/talking has been great.
3 years ago
UsagiSquared Thanks for your support. I plan on doing some plotting soon with my characters. I hope to be more active the coming month.
Wayward Haze
3 years ago
CeyahWolfsong: I'm glad it helped! Take all the time you need.
3 years ago
yeah the priority here is your health ok? :<
3 years ago
Thanks everyone. I'm feeling better at the moment. I'm a little worried this is just a drop of water before the drought again but I'm trying to stay optimistic.
3 years ago
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