3 years ago
You know what I miss? Plurk. Or rather, a bunch of the people here who I totally failed to keep up with during the second half of the apocalypse. :|a
latest #11
3 years ago
....Sup! I'm still working as an electronics assembler and doing school for engineering, very slowly. Transferring to a 4 year in the spring to finish it up.
3 years ago
How is everyone?
3 years ago
hello I missed you toooooooo
3 years ago
I am good, finished my MBA & now in a management position at a fairly large warehouse that does industrial supply (and has therefore been operating at full capacity this whole time)
3 years ago
2/3 of our upper management is out with Covid rn and I've had a lot of turnover in my dept so work is super stressful right now but it isn't always
3 years ago
other than that I am basically just doing Suburban Mom Things ™️. Zack just started an online bachelor's and also runs our local D&D league with some friends and we are on opposite work schedules so. I see him like twice a week but I still like him lol
3 years ago
Hey you! Yay! I am so happy you're still on plurk. I was worried about how many people would still be here or still be following me.
3 years ago
Aww man, that is a really rough situation with your opposite work schedules. But congrats on graduating. How're the kiddos?
3 years ago they are exactly the anxious little nerds you'd expect from us 😅 Lily's got a little girlfriend, it's adorable. we're doing dance for her and scouts for him this year
3 years ago
scouts is expensive AF but he saw a picture of a kid doing archery and he was sold lol
3 years ago
I feel that. Archery is pretty cool, after all.
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