Regulating Multiple Variables To Understand the Nucleation and Growth and Transformation of PbS Nanocrystal Superlattices
Nucleation of silver upon the reduction by hydrogen in aqueous polyphosphate-containing solutions: Formation of clusters and nanoparticles
High Performance Polyanthraquinone/Ni(OH)2 Aqueous Batteries Based on Hydroxyl
and Potassium Insertion/Extraction Reactions
Continuous flow synthesis of small silver nanoparticles involving hydrogen as the reducing agent
Self-assembly and transformation of hybrid nano-objects and nanostructures under equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions
Facile method to attach transition metal ions to the surface of anatase TiO2 nanorods
Synthesis of ZnO Nanocrystals with Cone, Hexagonal Cone, and Rod Shapes via Non-Hydrolytic Ester Elimination Sol–Gel Reactions
Nanostructured Tungstate-Derived Copper for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction and Electroreduction of CO2 in Sodium Hydroxide Solutions
Facile Method to Attach Transition Metal Ions to the Surface of Anatase TiO2
Self-Assembled Monolayer Mediated Silica Coating of Silver Triangular Nanoprisms
Morphology control of cobalt oxidenanocrystals for promoting their catalytic performance
In Situ One-Pot Synthesis of 1-Dimensional Transition Metal Oxide Nanocrystals
abrication and laser patterning of polystyrene optical oxygen sensor films for lab-on-a-chip applications
Pencil-like Ag Nanorods Asymmetrically Capped by Pd
Large-Scale Synthesis of TiO2 Nanorods via Nonhydrolytic Sol−Gel Ester Elimination Reaction and Their Application to Photocatalytic Inactivation of E. coli
Ag–TiO2 Hybrid Nanocrystal Photocatalyst: Hydrogen Evolution under UV Irradiation but Not under Visible-Light Irradiation
Opportunities and Challenges of Solar-Energy-Driven Carbon Dioxide to Fuel Conversion with Plasmonic Catalysts
Enhancing CO2 Electroreduction with the Metal–Oxide Interfac
Quasicrystalline order in self-assembled binary nanoparticle superlattices
Multicomponent Covalent Chemical Patterning of Graphene
Constructing Robust and Functional Micropatterns on Polystyrene Surfaces by Using Deep UV Irradiation
Regulating Multiple Variables To Understand the Nucleation and Growth and Transformation of PbS Nanocrystal Superlattices
CO2 electrochemical catalytic reduction with a highly active cobalt phthalocyanine
Facet-Dependent Selectivity of Cu Catalysts in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction at Commercially Viable Current Densities
Electrochemical Synthesis and Investigation of Stoichiometric, Phase-Pure CoSb2O6 and MnSb2O6 Electrodes for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Acidic Media
Extensive Active-Site Formation in Trirutile CoSb2O6 by Oxygen Vacancy for Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Anion Exchange Membrane Water Splitting