很喜歡的一段摘句~ "Self love, for gay people, can be an act of survival. [...] When the whole world is designed to point out that you're different, it can be a way to endure."
"I had to finally admit that Twitter was not a distraction from reality but representative of it, a projection of the human drives and preoccupations that with free time and publishing platforms had been allowed to multiply and evolve.
The superficiality this encouraged—pithiness and oversimplification were rewarded—felt appropriate not merely because it mimicked the way most of us choose to move through life but also because it had compounded those aspects of life that felt so desperate and precipitous."
"Robots are not people. We’re machines, and machines are objects. Objects are its.” “I’d say you’re more than just an object,” Dex said. The robot looked a touch offended. “I would never call you just an animal, Sibling Dex.” It turned its gaze to the road, head held high. “We don’t have to fall into the same category to be of equal value.”
Becky Chambers跟另一位作者Sarah Gailey的訪談,其中討論滿多她是如何架構出這樣的故事以及背景,很值得一看(不算有暴雷(?)、但是講了滿多細節) Becky Chambers with Sarah Gailey — A Psalm for the W...其中Gailey說曾經有一個編輯跟她說,設定在烏托邦(真正完美平衡世界)的故事是行不通的,或說讀者不會買帳,因為角色不會有不滿、進而不會有衝突、利益對抗、也就沒有劇情推展,但這本書就是很棒的反例。