Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago
my brother had a grand mal seizure about two hours ago, they struggled to stabilize him when the ambulance arrived and now were just waiting for news
latest #6
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago
he couldn't breath and was completely out of it post seizure, didnt understand was was happening around him, his heart rate dipped really low and then abruptly high in the ambulance, we have no idea yet whats gone on but there are numerous possibilitys
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago
some in regards to his drug history but also it could be any number of things
3 years ago
Scary. From what you have shared about him, Dr should check if this is drug related.
sending prayers to you your brother and your family
Fαωn Dεω
3 years ago
they dont think its drug related at the moment but thats all the information we have so far
3 years ago
ehrinlove: scary. Stay strong
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