annhandley hates
16 years ago
dropping karma. (SIGH)
latest #33
herb says
16 years ago
i'm sure my day will come
annhandley says
16 years ago
I'm telling ya... it's a buzz-kill.
frankmartin says
16 years ago
I agree with Ann totally. Bad thing.
kooplurk says
16 years ago
do you lose the emoticons if you drop below those k points?
annhandley says
16 years ago
it makes me want to AVOID Plurk... I can't take the downer.. when the intent is just the opposite.
waynesutton says
16 years ago
not good
frankmartin says
16 years ago
Ann, I honestly just ignore it. It does keep sort of a running score, which is irritating, but ignoring it works.
annhandley says
16 years ago
you're right frankmartin... you can see my nature at work here, but I'll try!!
frankmartin says
16 years ago
it is easy to recognize because it's my nature too! :-o
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
that's so weird The other night I had a drop after tons of activity. In the last two days I've done hardly anything and its gone up.
annhandley says
16 years ago
frankmartin lol.. the whole takes-one-to-know-one thing!
annhandley says
16 years ago
debindenver That is weird... maybe it's delayed? Or cumulative?
herb says
16 years ago
they do note that you shouldn't plurk more than 30x/day... so who knows?
annhandley says
16 years ago
Ah.. classic over-Plurking!
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
annhandley I was wondering if there is some lag time for karma.
16 years ago
you get karma points for responding, plurking in a manner that generates responses; you lose karma if you don't update daily. All I know.
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
And my biggest, self-centered, gripe is that I am not on the stinkin' top users list in Denver and CO. I have enough to be near the top.
16 years ago
good morning shanghai.
TheDudeDean says
16 years ago
Did you have a custom title as well?
16 years ago
whoops sorry folks plurked in the wrong box. i hate losing karma too
annhandley says
16 years ago
how do you create a custom title?
Beth Harte asks
16 years ago
does anyone have the link to the users list? I lost it!
annhandley says
16 years ago
never mind -- found it!
Jinfinite8 says
16 years ago
there you go, saved some typing
contrapuntist says
16 years ago kind of sucks...but it also keep me coming back
emsgeiss says
16 years ago
Losing karma too, despite activity. grrr
bruceturner says
16 years ago
I want somebody to write a Greasemonkey script for Firefox 3 that removes the Karma score from my dashboard. Too much to ask, Lazyweb?
sschablow says
16 years ago
maybe if I comment here my karma will go up.
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
BarbaraKB says
16 years ago
(s_music) Ignore Karma and all will be well... of course, this is not what Karma *really* is but, heh, when in Rome...
esd714 says
16 years ago
Karma and rain..all falling at once today
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
It's weird, I have noticed that mine slows down whenever I sleep. Plurk is therefore promoting unhealthy habits!
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