3 years ago
Unexpected quotes from kiddo:
"I just love watching you get killed over and over and over again!"
...I may have made a mistake.
latest #9
3 years ago
We've been starting her on video games by showing her Kirby's Epic Yarn, which seems like a good intro platformer because it's pretty merciful about mistakes. (The character can't die or lose in any way, you just lose a little bit of stage progress and some of the game's collectables.)
3 years ago
Still, she's been getting really frustrated with some parts of it, repeatedly asking for help at every little setback at points. Typical for a 4 year old, but still hard to deal with.
3 years ago
At one point, to show her an example of how someone with more experience with games deals with frustration, I decided I'd download I Wanna Be the Guy and play it for her.
3 years ago
(I played it before, a long time ago. Managed to get to the final boss but could never beat it.)
3 years ago
Long story short, it turns out that she thinks that seeing me die in that game, repeatedly and in increasingly absurd ways, is utterly hilarious.
3 years ago
i mean. some games have hilarious death animations XD
Angry Popoto
3 years ago
At least she’s learning how to have fun with horrible in-game death!
3 years ago
And hey, teaching her to deal in ways that don’t involve throwing a controller across the room is good 👍
3 years ago
I don’t know any parents who did that >_>
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