3 years ago
latest #9
3 years ago
It's encouraging to see that they're using neurotech for something other than texting and playing video games.
3 years ago
this is really cool. but I'm curious how it would work for those who deal with constant chronic pain. because the last lines are like "it's non-addictive because it only works when there's pain." but like... if there's always pain/pain signals, then what?
3 years ago
queerty I’m guessing it’s a matter of how you’re defining “addictive”. The impression I got is that existing pain medication has physiological effects beyond simply dulling pain that factor in to creating addiction, and this does not
3 years ago
So, like, there may be bad side effects to constantly shutting up a pain receptor, but you’re not going to build up a tolerance to it being shut down so that you’ll need a bigger dose to get the same effect. It’s either on or it’s off.
3 years ago
I get that. maybe it’s just the way it’s phrased that’s throwing me off.
3 years ago
Actually went and reread the final paragraph like I should have done earlier. The doctor does mention that it “lessens” the chance of overuse and addiction, which does indeed indicate that it might have some problems for people who are never not in pain
3 years ago
I just want a way to dull/dampen the pain without the side effects of daily pain killer meds. (app-lying)
3 years ago
3 years ago
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