我跑去看馬修的IMDb只找到他有講過類似的情況: "[on his role as Darcy] All the Bennets were having a great time; it was all very cosy. Then I'd come along and be a bit sullen for a couple of days and then f--- off again! It didn't help that my wife was pregnant at the time, but I wished I'd enjoyed it more."
然後找到一段很有意思的東西,顯然馬修很像嚕嚕米!XD [on being likened to a Moonin] I like Moomins. I've got these fantastic Moomin mugs and bowls. My little boy examines which bowl I've given him to eat his Weetabix out of. So that pleases me. Matthew MacMoomin. That's nice.