Started watching Gotham again. I'm falling in love with Bullock, Penguin, Alfred and Riddler all over again. This first season when it focused more on mob storylines and less on supervillains was really, really special.
latest #23
I remember the last time I watched... It was when James Frain was on. He'd... died? Or something? and was resurrected. and Penguin went full Titus Andronicous with his adoptive(?) mom or whatever. also Butch went from Fish's loyal bodyguard to Penguin's...hypnotized?...slave. It was very Too Much.
I could be misremembering some details.
one thing that's constant: Barbera is still annoying.
I am due for a canon rewatch. thanks for the reminder
also personal opinion. don't read the novel tie ins unless you enjoy retcons and pure wtf
I honestly didn't even know there were novel tie-ins.
binging all 5 seasons will be a task unto itself; good to know I can skip the supplemental material.
of two
and in it, we learn that bullock likes pushy women who literally step on him.
I mean that's the only thing really going for it
That... sounds like someone's prompt on a Gotham kinkmeme turned into a novel.
Bullock is more shippable with Ed or Jim anyway, lets be real here.
Gotham: Dawn of Darkness literally chapter 2 of the book
Harvey likes curvey ladies that smack him around. It's bad. it's so so bad.
I suffered it for Alfred and they went and reconned his first meeting with Thomas. the book says one thing, he tells Bruce a totally different thing in the TV show
I read that on the wiki's trivia. Some minor contradictions are forgivable but all that... Eesh.
I personally go with the TV version of that meeting. it's better
As for Harv's tastes... Yeah. No. I mean, he does 'date' a curvy woman in S1, I think? But all the extra stuff is a bit far.
Penguin and his "new friends" / 1080p / Gothamthis beautiful idiot. my favorite dumbass.
Bruce: Besides, why would the Goat take me? There's no one to take me from.
meanwhile, Alfred's heart quietly breaks into several pieces
y.u.p. Bruce regularly breaks his heart
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