latest #13
I have no wish to provide voices for any company that lives in the delusion that Taiwan is not a country.
For anyone coming here to be like, "But Kaiji the consequences" keep in mind my family literally escaped communism to be here. You'll find no harbor for that nonsense on my page.
OMG.. ImMrTransistor Doesn’t need a company like papergames for ANY reason whatsoever. He’s got a HELLUVA lot more going for him than they could ever provide. They’re simply tools. I fully support Jonah Scott and remind people to stand up for themselves and their beliefs.
I have family from Taiwan 🇹🇼.
It’s a country.
I will not be party to the censorship and strong arming of my fellow actors for stating a Google-able fact, and one that is totally unrelated to the terms of our employment.
I adore the MLQC fandom and hope that a resolution can be reached, but I stand with Jonah.
Very recently, a colleague was fired from their VO gig for asserting that Taiwan is a country, something irrelevant to any contract we signed.

Effective immediately, I refuse any future offers to reprise as Kiro in #MLQC until/unless Jonah Scott is allowed to return as Victor.
Taiwan is a country. Also Papergames can go fuck themselves. Let them know how you feel at Contact Us | Papergames because I DGAF and certainly will. Oh no, they won't hire me, fuck em'.

#TaiwanIsACountry #MLQC Edward Hong #FreePalestine #TaiwanIsACountry on Twit...
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