NiNi says
15 years ago
貓咪們是不可能在一兩天內就和平相處的, 牠們需要時間去熟悉對方, plz give them time to get along with each other, otherwise it's gonna be a disaster, thank you.
latest #14
nimbus says
15 years ago
嗯~這個每隻貓個性不同,所以組合的結果都會不太一樣,變異蠻大的說...我們的貓可是花了幾個月才比較熟悉互相哩~ yor're welcome. (好冷XD)
NiNi says
15 years ago
my gosh, it'll take up to months to get along with each other? I am not sure if our cats can ever get along then... they fight tooooooooooo
NiNi says
15 years ago
toooooooooo, tooooooooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
betty_chang says
15 years ago
Annie_Tien: 對阿 因為剛在一起一定會不熟悉的, 呵呵 真是的 但是我想應該還好啦 :-)
NiNi says
15 years ago
咪咪is the kinda cat that rejects other cats exist in her life. She is very very aggressive when she first saw 胖花.
betty_chang says
15 years ago
WOW she got her own personality... (LOL)
NiNi says
15 years ago
yeah they fight and shout the instant they saw each other. I am really worry. 胖花連現在看到我都會哈我因為他一直被咪咪的大叫還有攻擊嚇到...
nimbus says
15 years ago
Annie_Tien: cats relies on their own territoy very much, that's their invincible barricade :-D
nimbus says
15 years ago
since the situation is kinda out of control, I would suggest quarantine the newcomer 咪咪 for a period of time
nimbus says
15 years ago
and let them get familiar with each other gradually (scent-wise)
NiNi says
15 years ago
yes you mean like separate them from seeing each other right? Like place them in different rooms? that's what i was thinking too...
NiNi says
15 years ago
but the thing is... they only got one toilet...
nimbus says
15 years ago
make use of cardboard box (from mall) and diy a new toilet(LOL)(ps:-Put a big plastic bag beneath the cat litter may avoid fluid penetration)
NiNi says
15 years ago
that's a good idea!
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