piehole Hey you're the only member of our Pathfinder team left to draw as a pokemon trainer, so take my quiz so I know what "type" to make you XD (if you take it twice you might get a dual type, which is cool :-P )
What Type Of Pokemon Suits You Best?
latest #11
do u want me to take this as me or as wayd
lol good question! As you lol
Like Diana is her Eevee trainer self, I've got my growlithe. It's just us lol.
Lol i guess I could have led with "should I just draw you with a mudkip?" XD
LOL i mean yes but i will still take this quiz
loooool I mean actually kind of fitting, you don't like to get too flashy. :-P Mudkips are really the most important thing. XD
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