latest #13
tw for outdated slurs and words you'd normally find on a Jerry Springer show.
ImpureTale was it you who wrote Zoisite so many years ago? Or someone else?
3 years ago
yes that was me
yay i remembered something! :-D
i ask cuz i'm watching the viz media dub on hulu and I've reached Zoi's main arc. the new voice for him is
3 years ago
I LOVE the new dub voices
Saaaame. I thought for a while nothing could top the originals but turns out, that was all nostalgia talking. It's fun catching the Critical Role cast sprinkled throughout the series too.
3 years ago
Naru's non heavy-Brooklyn accent still throws me
3 years ago
because despite that being hammy at the time I think she did REALLY WELL with the Nephrite arc
Especially in that final scene with Nephrite. She ripped her heart out vocally and it shows. I cried for both versions.
but speaking of that accent, I fucking love viz media throwing that in as an easter egg. When Melvin (uh, forgot his Japanese name) puts on a dress for that one Princess episode, he does that voice. Straight up sounds like something out The Nanny.
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