3 years ago
[kiddo] Well, here we go getting her into video games!
latest #42
3 years ago
We've booted up Kirby's Adventure (through the Switch's NES game catalog) and she's taking a keen interest in trying it out.
3 years ago
After a few tries, she even cleared the first level, through the time-honored tradition of flying over most of it.
3 years ago
This isn't quite her first time playing a console game because I tried her on Super Mario Maker a while ago, but after I designed a "shooting gallery" style level where she could stand in a safe place and pelt hordes of enemies with fireballs, she didn't really want to do anything else.
3 years ago
So this is her first real attempt at a "needing to move and do things" platforming game.
3 years ago
Angry Popoto
3 years ago
Oooooh! The training begins~!
3 years ago
And of course, I'm seeing almost none of it now because bitty needed to go outside. Yes, needed.
3 years ago
Update: eventually kiddo got tired/frustrated with it and mostly had us do the levels
3 years ago
But tbf, Kirby is hard
if you guys have Mario Party or Mario Kart my friend's 3.5 y/o loooves playing those with people! (LOL)
(and kirby is hard)
3 years ago
After some discussion with her we're going to try her on Yarn Kirby
3 years ago
Since NES-era Kirby is, well, NES-era Kirby
I remember having that Kirby game for the original Gameboy and never beating it
3 years ago
Yeah, I remembered Kirby being one of the more kid-friendly franchises but forgot that there's still some serious difficulty there.
I have the theme from that forest level stuck in my head with perfect clarity right now 😂 I kind of want to find a rom of it..

But good luck to kiddo!
3 years ago
that's so cute
3 years ago
Barbie - C64 full playthrough as a 4 year old kid this is what I played on my uncle's Commondore had voice acting and blew my mind back then
3 years ago
Barbie - Commodore C64 or maybe this link will work
there's Dark Souls hard, and then there's NES hard. NES hard games are worse than Dark Souls tbqh. that said i don't blame kiddo for going "here you do it" lol
3 years ago
Reminds me when I was that age, we rented an NES (lmao) and they had taken Legend of a kiddo I would just grab the sword from the old man, reset and repeat becasue I was afraid of going out in the areas and getting killed after lmao
3 years ago
plurk stop changing stuff to icons
god that reminds me there's a game that came out recently that's supposed to make dark souls seem like easymode?? saw a gamer yter vid titled something with 'I play Dark Souls to relax' and then basically traumatized by the new game
3 years ago
3 years ago
There's Nintendo Hard and then there's just Asshole
Soulsborne is just finding the right timings, but NES hard is just... this game is impossible even 32 years later. i still can't beat half of my NES games.
3 years ago
(That being said I very much respect the kiddo because one of my first presents when we got Mario 3 was a Game Genie so it makes it a little more tolerable when you are a kid and have infinite lives)
3 years ago
I realized I have the three Ninja Gaidens on the NES and there's no way I'll ever pass them
lmao RIGHT.... i got the Disney Afternoon Collection a while back and while i can still down Chip n' Dale in like, 20mins, i still can't pass Darkwing Duck. that game was terrible lol
3 years ago
Yeah, I was going to say NES Ninja Gaiden is at the top of my list of "games I haven't played but know mostly for its reputation of having insane difficulty." I've never played Dark Souls so I couldn't comment.
3 years ago
Darkwing Duck has amazing music tho
3 years ago
My difficulty scale for games I have played tops out at I Wanna Be the Guy, and only slightly lower that is Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero and its sequel.
3 years ago
Then there's like...SILVER SURFER
3 years ago
Amazing music
it does indeed have amazing music! it's just... HARD lol
3 years ago
1 shot and you're toast
3 years ago
Tim Follen man
3 years ago
"Tim Follin we need a theme for Pictionary" "I got you"
Nes Pictionary Soundtrack
3 years ago
(The game is actually really fun to play with a kiddo if you want to try guessing objects, some of them are outdated like 1980s phones tho lmao)
3 years ago
Nes: Silver Surfer SoundtrackThis is also Tim Follin
Bloodborne: Ludwig the Accursed, Holy Blade Boss Fig... a dlc boss for Bloodborne, definitely... not kid-friendly for later aha. it's all about body horror but Ludwig is... he's a time. he's not Orphan of Kos, but he's up there. bangin boss theme though, one of my faves.
Bloodborne especially is all about abusing iFrames and dodging at the right time to counterattack... but you have to learn the boss's patterns first.
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