нутнℓσgαуυѕ 🌸
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
Pssst.. Who has a Kabuto, Omanyte, or Tirtouga OR... A KIngler
latest #30
Gay Priest
3 years ago
... I think Jolyne does, let me double check.
Gay Priest
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
I misremembered. Nevermind, I'm no help.
LMAO thats fine, I'm a moron
I was trying to bridge a move to a pokemon, forgetting that I had requested a shuckle
Gay Priest
3 years ago
lsdfe Oh noooo.
Gay Priest
3 years ago
This is why I don't play breeders, my brain is too stupid for this.
I find it extremely fun :V
Its the perfect like... amount of brain exertion. A little puzzle
Gay Priest
3 years ago
I am glad someone does, I'm just stupid.
AHAHA youre ok. I'm someone who finds the ins and outs of battle stuff to be too much sometimes so
Gay Priest
3 years ago
lmfao, yeah, that's more my jam.
Kabuto would still be hugely useful
Him good and full of moves
I was gonna dig through your pokemons
Dig through the giant heap
Oooh Anorith
Even though Anorith does what Kingler does tbh
And that anorith might still be a babie
Hythlodaeus is gonna try to rope jolyne into getting him a togepi. Would Armin do this also if Hythlodaeus asked
Cause he cannot possibly be assed to go to 4 island
(He did get 2 more shiny eevees.)
(he can say no, I just think the impositions are funny)
laughs to myself as I plan out hythlodaeus' egg moves for the next 4 months
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