Caliah thinks
15 years ago
Blue Mars is looking very interesting.
latest #22
Caliah says
15 years ago
Sadly, I don't think your average gamer/user minds whether content is made by an end-user or not. But I do like the idea that there will be
Annyka says
15 years ago
hehe, I'm just looking at the NPIRL interview right now
Caliah says
15 years ago
uh...some undesirable elements filtered out. Serious businesses may flock to this platform.
Ran says
15 years ago
I think the high graphics requirement ("Even a 4850"? That's a latest gen card!) will be a bit limiting to uptake.
Caliah says
15 years ago
Agreed on that. But they seem to be taking their time about it, at least. I miss the feel of SL prior to the big media boom & backlash
🧜‍♀️Nivaya🌟 says
15 years ago
It certainly looks pretty...
Annyka says
15 years ago
I think StevieB is right. If this is at least a year away from going live, probably longer, then the requirements aren't all that steep
Caliah says
15 years ago
And people creating for it will likely know how to optimise textures for lower-poly models.
Annyka says
15 years ago
i think its intriguing. I already like some of what theyre doing. I think the developer/partner approach is interesting. It will avoid alot
Annyka says
15 years ago
of the issues SL faces. The question will be how open that program is for new creators
Annyka says
15 years ago
and of course, whether or not they allow sex
Annyka says
15 years ago
i like that there won't be point to point teleporting or free flying. And that developers can control the experience of their worlds
Annyka says
15 years ago
Depending on how free content creation is, I could see BM taking alot of the SL roleplaying community
Caliah says
15 years ago
Haha, I remarked on that too (teleporting). When I first started I thought it was a bad idea. A lot of areas go unseen/neglected that way.
Annyka says
15 years ago
i think p2p tping and unconstrained cameras both really hurt the sense of a physical space in SL
Ivy Norsk says
15 years ago
that looks very cool
Caliah says
15 years ago
"BM is an entrepreneurial world...We support everyone...down to indiv. shop owners looking to sell fashions, hairstyles, animations, & props
Caliah says
15 years ago
From the site
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