- Fanfest is so soon! I hope the Rosa/Rydia/Edge minions are nice and affordable because how am I supposed to resist??
- it's too early for that, really, but I keep wondering who the final boss in the tale of this star will be. Especially since they said that 6.0 will be the finale (without the typical "secondary finale" in the .3 patch) as far as Zodiark and Hydaelyn are concerned.
One or both of them seem to be one of the more obvious answers. I wonder if we'll fight Hydaelyn to throw off her tempering?
- I watched someone beat 6.0 the other day (so many feelings still!) as a lala white mage and now I miss being a lala <.<
- I also miss having more than five hair style options. Please give more to bunbuns ;__;
- I dislike the bozja grind for mettle so much, but I want the story... and I'm afraid it'll just take 400% longer once the next expansion is out so I don't want to wait to do more of it forever. I'm like rank 8? Urgh.
- Dancer is real fun!

I only unlocked it recently and now I'm, err... a very ill-behaved dps in roulette dungeons. <.< Some poor tank in Dusk Vigil and one in Sohr Khai struggled to keep aggro against me. I tried to contain my excitement in the second halves of these dungeons at least... ^^;;
- join me for Ardbert Missing Hours 2021 because he's such a good, good boy
- did you know? In the German translation of the early quest where you deliver letters from "your" city leader to the two others, Raubahn mentions that there might be a lot of quarrel around the line of succession in Garlemald soon "because the emperor is already over 80 years old" (he's not wrong!).
The line seems to be missing in English, but I find it fun that there's mention of that this early on. (Similarly, in the same quest, when Nero asks that one recruit where he's from and he says "Dalmasca" in Japanese, "Othard" in English and, as it turns out, "Dalmasca" in German too.)
- last little translation note: the beast tribes call Ascians "Paragons," right? The word used in the German translation is "Himmelsbote" - envoy of the heavens (also an old-fashioned word for angel). Aww.
- back to the fanfest do I want to get up at 3 in the morning to watch the opening ceremony and live letter stuff live? I actually might... (watch on my tablet in bed, probably snuggling a confused cat)
maybe if I can find some other sleepy friends to watch with; we'll see how I feel about it next week(end)
Mettle grind is very RIP but depending on how you feel about [a thing that becomes available at r10] it gets easier at that point
And that thing is one of the two options for the current last stage of relics, so I doubt it will die soon
I hope so, I'm already worried enough about doing it once without having to wait for hours :<
That one seems to spawn pretty often now because you can shorten the timer by doing....other stuff in Bozja which is nice because it incentivizes helping people who are lower rank in order to get the high rank thing to pop
But there's another thing after that which has basically a standard queue, I have never waited longer than 7 minutes at absolute outside for it
(I'm being a little vague because I'm tiptoeing very carefully around anything that could possibly be a spoiler)
I should say, standard queue but no party comp requirements (because of how you can use the essences & lost actions you get from fragments to become a discount healer, tank, or DPS, whatever you need to be)
that is helpful to know. maybe now I can fret about it less
fffff we're getting
a month of mogstones where everything gives more tomestones (20 from one prae run!) and the prizes are so shiny
I want the two fancy hairstyles for if/when I switch away from being a bunny....
maybe the shiver emote...
the fanfest site updated with messages from the dev team and in true writer fashion, Natsuko Ishikawa is a tease.
(I'm just glad she's still writing for the game

her answer of "everyone!" that she wanted to give is a mood though XD
I am SO HYPE for the mog stones there's so much I want
man, I'm going to have to start referring to it as "Seb's 50 mogstone hair" instead of "Seb's million gil hair"
more thoughts:
- after Edmont, Lyse and Ardbert, who will our narrator for Endwalker be?
- will we see Ali's new clothes in the new trailer bits at this weekend's fanfest?
What will my new maiming DPS be, ah, maiming people with
the most popular speculation seems to be "with a scythe" and I would not mind that
am trying to come up with more last-minute predictions for the keynote address but I've got nothing I haven't mentioned somewhere already so like
bunnyhairstyles pls
a friend just suggested Mysidia as the second hub town and now I want that...
that trailer will be lots of fun to look at in detail when I'm mire awake. so many locations and pretty, pretty people!
with the hat and the scythe, Yoshi-P's cosplay would also look good in Bloodborne, huh
don't they get dizzy... (I ask, of course, with how easily I get dizzy in these last few days...)
the void! being a host for a voidsent avatar! that's so interesting from a lore perspective!
(back to the trailer, I'm still charmed by Ryne's two dads appearing together)
hi Yuna. Yes, I know it's 3:40 in the morning and not even the birds are up yet. yes, I can pet you.
someone on my timeline is already shipping Estinien and his new dragon friend and I respect that energy
five new role quests? wait, what did I miss?
I love how much the moon rabbits look like ivalice moogles sans pompom
oooh, lore about the twelve?
that moon rabbit plush from the collector's edition makes me want to crochet my own version...
wind-up porom stares into your soooouuul
wind-up palom might somehow be even cuter?
november 23rd, huh? that's later than expectedly, but I'm glad they're taking the time they need
(and even female hrothgar at an unspecified later date? woah.)
how am I supposed to sllep or wait six months now?!
I assume the 5 role quests are splitting phys into ranged and melee
a good excuse to level reaper if it's as fun as it looks ^.^
(okay, seriously, sleep. the birds are starting to chirp.)
urgh, I only got two hours but maybe I can nap for a bit around noon <.<
but more importantly for the context of this plurk
you can pre-order endwalker and get the bonus items now instead of at launch???
including the exp+30% up to 80 earring?
that is such a good change
wait. does this apply to steam as well? we've always gotten pre-orders way later than other versions so far
don't mind if I do, then.
okay I need to post them here too
because how dare. How
They're too expensive for me to really consider, especially for both of them (they're 85€ each) but wow are they fancy
Oh my god the Palom minion's description is "try not to break it" this is preposterous
DID YOU SEE the description on the summon item for Rosa
Also that earring gonna get me my amaro faster yay
her descriptions seems geometrically unlikely, it's amazing XD
the earring is going to help me finally get enough jobs to eighty to do all the role quests <.<
Penelo's clothes! and a familiar bike...
the former looked real cute on the au ra dude from the screenshot too
it did hahaha, I enjoyed this live letter
I'm a little terrified of the "your first relic will be hard but later ones will be easier" but oh well