tries to avoid reality tv mostly successfully!!
that is an awesome clip. Thanks for sharing it!
how have you been, Rick? Good to plurk ya!
hope I didn't catch you with that then!
yeah it sends me to tears that especially since it was with that song too
how's everyone in T61 plurkland?
got any SL gigs worked out yet?
no Mumz not yet, have yet to forage into that properly yet... does Sally know of any gigs coming up on there I could look at?
there's gigs every day almost all day, so would be hard to say really, though I can try and make a few recommendations if ya like
yeah that would be cool - any electro groups like Nite Cells or Eeprom on there?
just saw this on msnbc
not really Rick, the range is kinda limited coz of the technical side of things,
but you could check out Andreas Gustaffson or The Invisible Band in that general direction
I'll hve a think for ya
That was great...very touching...thanks!!!
Very cool. Gave me goosebumps. Or is it goosehearts.
thanks Sally... still got to check out the technicalities yet... I'm sure you could do live electro
the way most folks do that is play over recorded stuff I guess?
no you could actually program loops live and drop them in when you want using Ableton live
might need to use another computer to do the music on and another to stream the audio on the net tho
oooh, yeah, does he ever!
A multi genre kind of thang.
Thanks Mumz
Rick, meet Coll. Coll, meet Rick.
very cool - I'd already bumped one of your songs!
wow Mumz he's your son? How cool!
I listened to you when you first got to T61. I know your work and love it.
Rick, he's my Plurkiton son-in-law, actually.
Mumz is my Mcnana mom.
uh, yeah Coll...the implications of that statements are quite....buggabooo
I see so he's married to your daughter?
do you do music professionally then Col?
sorry Rick. This must be confusing. Michelle is my adopted daughter, and she and Coll are married irl (in real life).
that sounds about right Rick, though you should prolly check in at the SL music community forum for techy info, coz I'm not techy
and by the way, Sally is my adopted daughter, too. Or rather, my first adopted daughter.
Sally dear!
When I get paid I feel professional.
bubblewrap too now. The tax-people are right, it seems.
I see... so all of this is like fantasy land? lol
oops! Forgot to respond to the bubblewrap request. *digs out roll of bubblewrap and cuts squares. Hands them out to evabuddy*
so have you all met each other in real life then?
what's your name on T61 again Michelle?
I have only met Michelle in RL. She is Manth on T61. Entropy is my listner account.
ta Coll
it gets confusing all these double names... it's hard enough remembering one!
yeah...your "fan"!!
you saw me in here as Manth at first but I changed my name
someone's overtaken you as number one though... you're only number two now
only met one plurker irl: Dandrew. Known him for...decades?
so how many have you adopted on here?
that's the word my dad used when he couldn't think of anything better to say about a new dish my mom had prepared "interesting."
um, hmmm. *gets out fingers and toes and thinks for a bit* Will have to get back to you on that in a minute.
I've got 6 kids. Actually 7, coz one is twins. Will give you a link if ya want to see more. Watch out tho, coz yer brain might 'splode!
<-------collects kids like some peeps collect...I dunno, stuff.
happens irl, too.
them all!
who are you on there then Mumz?
do they follow you home??? give them all JoJo's
apparently scared their Da away, tho.
does indeed give the kidz dark chocolate covered Joe Joes.
to make them dark chocolate coloured children....
I've bookmarked it later for reading looks like a good read
you should see the buggers race round the castle ickt fingers covering the tapestried in paw prints...
so you're Skeez? I know you've told me this before
only has two names... thank goodness..
excepting if I go undercover..
I'm a little confused... is there inbreeding going on here?
you need emoticons
what the heck did you do skeez???
Whoa she is typing Karlski and alchemorph's name is appearing
skeez has stolen my name!!
Now its getting Silly again!!
somebody's nicked my name!!!
no one is who they appear to be on this plurk.
its copyright give it back -- whats going on???!
welcome to McNana Plurkiton! Warned you yer head might 'splode!
, btw, Logotherapist on that family tree thingy.
as well as Skeez and alchemorph?
Alchemorph has emotes!!
thanks coll
tried to follow this plurk and is now quite confuzzled
<------ is just Sally wherever ya look
this is highly disturbing... they warned me about this thats why I shred my mail
Squeekz, do a page refresh.
Rick, don't worry. They'll return to their usual state of nonsense after the fun is over.
*smirks* we've seen this before haven't we?
gah...really had me on thatta one karlski!!
talks to herself alot, actually.
hmmm karlski... I should have known it was you.... you're like the evil Riddler
a new brain after that one.
never knew this sort of evil could occur in plurkton
Thats after the 1st bottle.
it's just coz you haven't been here long enough, Rick.
it is it's like some Batman plot
this has happened before?! lol
started by...where is he anywayz???
Supervillians have more fun..
the original dark one eh?
it's kind of an initiation rite, I think.
you can't change your name until you get enough karma.
all sorts of vindictaties could be done with this method its a bit worrying!
so when you get enough Karma you can turn evil
this is the devil's websirete
use the force. Don't turn to the darkside.
the force is strong in this one , yes..
Rick, it's all in good fun. And we respect people's wishes (generally). For instance, nobody gets away with calling themselves Sally...
except Sally. Or else they have to deal with me! I'm a very protective Mum.
I wuz fooled too. New to me. I am just scared to talk now.
at Coll
lol you're not Banana mum... I know a Banana mum wjhen I see one
or rather, Neez McNana on here and Neez on t61. But he's quit one officially (t61) and t'other without notice (Plurkiton).
did anyone see that philomath, he was just here wasn't he?
hmmm Karlski... is that you?
if he's friends with Rick?
I'm here. Sorry, did I miss something?
lol michelle I'm not michelle
I'm not sure philomath, I thought so
Logotherapist has a short attention span and tends to mute plurks after the first 3 responses.
now I'm confused Mum = Logotherapist = philomath = Elisha???
= manth??? Am I just talking to one multipersonalitied person here??
am I that person too and am talking to myself?
*pats Rick on the head* Sowwy, now we've got you all confuddled.
return to herself now... brb.
you are very emotion full. Good job. Now your ready to write.
Rick, here's a tip: hover your mouse over the plurker's name and look at the bottom right corner of your screen and you'll see...
the real identity of the plurker.
Now can you spell confuddled?
there are two spellings: confuddled and confuzdled. Guess which one I prefer.
<--------loves the letter Z.
oh yes... but now everyone's back to themselves was it all a bad dream?
I woke up eight years later in the shower!!
back to themselves or nearly a bad dream?? PlurkMare!!!
no, it was 1) an initiation and 2)a way to get you into a creative frame of mind and most of all 3) nonsense.
haha you can't fool me now!!!
the initiation is over!
does that mean I should be just Sally again now Mumz?
Rick. Its ok. I think its over.
thanks Coll.... is that you?
I will always just be me...
Bobby Ewing is a cool handle to wear for a while....
not when someone else is being you tho!
oops! I should not have said that...
where Bobby went...must have scared him off again
plurkbuddy can't keep up with Skeez!
it might be weeks till it catches up
oh yes... like blinking your eyes/pinching oneself
it's quite hard to keep up with Skeez, I can assure youl.
followed him around on many an adventure.
welcomes sally to the club
careful not to follow him off the edge of things.
sally karlski's been impersonating you
only once!!!
Sally - beware, twilight Zone plurk
no, that he has NOT done, Sally!
these plurks are difficult enough to keep up with while they're unfolding, but impossible to reconstruct afterward.
shush mumz I was trying to get Sally to take revenge on karlski
doesn't do that sort of thing Rick
protective both of her kidz and her brothers-in-law.
aw Sally's so sweet isn't she?
it's wonderful that all Sally has to do is wander into a plurk and shine her sweet light in and we all just turn like flowers...
pffffffft like a rasberry noise?
it's Sally's way of dismissing compliments but there is no disapproval in Sally.
doesn't think she's quite capable of such a negative emotion.
that's why she's the heart of the McNana family.
in awe of Sally's beautful soul
then you HAVE been here long enough.
So am I...
in awe.
agrees muchly with this but warns you that Sally gets quite uncomfortable with all this praise.
but that doesn't stop me much.
sure she has muted this plurk by now.
My head hurts after that.
Skeez and Coll-son!
bye all, thanks it was all a bittersweet dream.........................
it wasn't actually bitter.
no! don't worry Mumz was just bein silly
I was bein silly not Mumz was bein silly!
*giggles* so was Mumz.