Wilson_CamHore thinks
15 years ago
to be sponsored or not to be sponsored? hmmmmmmmm.................
latest #42
yukana says
15 years ago
of course to be sponsered!!!
edward lesalt has
15 years ago
sponsor? for PB? hahaha... get la, if you can. unless you can pay for all that training
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
Ed: daddy is thinkin on it la... and its commentment la.. dun tell anyone yet okk...
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
hahaha... daddy, stress lah
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
Yukana: its not easy being a sponsored especially when the team are not into winning...:-)
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
hahaha... you added ALL my friends and fans is it... ahhaahhahaa
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
who is all ur frens?
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
daddy added those active plurkers..:-P
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
and why so stress?
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
hahaha... lots of stuff to do lor1
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
h crap, my karma going down!
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
wat stuffs u ahve to do and why the karma wil drop?
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
karma drops when you inactive
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
and spam
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
wat is spam?
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
lol... talk kok?
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
errr i mean how is consider as spam in plurk la.... :S
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
mm, if you over post smth la, i guess.
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
LOL.. okayyy... so gal... wat ut hink
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
on sponsor? get la!
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
get but the level of commitment.. u know we bunch of maniacs are not totally commited like Mz right?
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
sigh... then how? sponsor is whole team or just you de?
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
we are talkin to one of the shop.. still deciding how.. but its for team la.. i wont wan sponsor for myself...
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
oh... then team should be commited
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
you talk to them al
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
u know we all la..
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
if committed, the stress level is damn high and not all of us are like Dogg la gal...and more over, daddy is in ipoh...
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
how to have full team commitment?
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
Dogg different... cuz he WORK ther.
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
i know... but do u know he play speedball like mad?
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
yup... can spend up to 200 a day right
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
200 a day is normal.. if tourney can spend mopreeeeeee
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
own paints ha
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
own paint? kenot... field operator doesnt allow...:-(
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
oh... as in you pay your own paints is it?
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
oh... u mean corkage? erm.. well if u buy ur own paint and pay corkage, its even more expensive
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
eh? as in... they provide paints or what
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
nope.. u buy ur own paint from outside then bring to the field and pay a sum of money as corkage...:-)
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
oh... EXP. what about if you didnt bring paints
Wilson_CamHore says
15 years ago
if u didnt bring, u buy from the field lo.. like how tanamera is..
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