3 years ago
Thought I’ll jump in here and officially retire plurk, decided to move over to Twitter for updates on work in progress RL/SL, updates and what not. I’ve only had good & fond memories of Plurk but just wanted to integrate both lives better moving forward soo:

anyaohmai (@anyaohmai) | Twitter

If you guys are there, I’d love to follow back any of you use it :-D
latest #23
3 years ago
awwwww we will miss you here
3 years ago
Gave you a follow over there. :-)
Alex Melune
3 years ago
Gave you a follow! I love seeing your work.
3 years ago
I will miss you, I don't have twitter, but I wish you well and lots of happiness and success
No don't leave us you just came back. I am on twitter but I really don't use it much.
3 years ago
Thank you guys!! I’ll miss Plurk too, it was the most sl oriented social media for me - and I still feel that way!! I added all of you over :-D
I followed you, my handle is the same here but it's my RL account.
3 years ago
butrflyangel: I’m on both Facebook and Twitter and Flickr too :-D but for wips I’ll likely keep it to Twitter ; and definitely still in SL!
ohmai: I think I have you on flickr and maybe inworld can't remember
3 years ago
butrflyangel: let me know if I should add you inworld too! But I’ll follow you back on Twitter, definitely don’t wanna lose touch with all the great friends I’ve met here on Plurk as much as possible.
ohmai: oh yes please do add me inworld
ohmai: Christa Thespian, lol if you look up Christa Echoes you wont find me
3 years ago
awwwwwwwwwwnn will definitely miss you! I've been following you insta and feels so proud with all the achievements!
3 years ago
hops over to Twitter & follows you I check on news and what happening in Japanese SL news there. ... Plurk is homebase for me. It has a virtual Art Department feel. The chatter is good (& I love lack of crazies types that are often on other social media like FB).
3 years ago
i don't really use twitter, but i followed you anyway! i will miss you <3
Abra 🥗
3 years ago
Yay!! Hope you keep this account just in case. You never know!
3 years ago
I don't have an SL Twitter but just followed on my RL ❤️
3 years ago
I think I added you on SL Facebook and I have you on Flickr ❤️
Lady Bintley
3 years ago
will give you a follow! x
Little My
3 years ago
bye tiger, followed you on twitter x
following you on twitter!
3 years ago
I don't have twitter, but wish you the best ♥
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