3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
I'm very glad i got vaccinated. But holy shit do i feel awful today.
latest #8
3 years ago
I am so sorry! which one did you get?
3 years ago
AstraZeneca. It was never approved in the USA and just shipped up here instead.
3 years ago
hang in there, Bone! I think it's one of the most effective ones!
Le Pumpkin
3 years ago
Hopefully you just feel blah for one day :-(
3 years ago
I'm still a bit stiff but feeling a million times better. You know that sense of relief when you feel like the worst is behind you?
Le Pumpkin
3 years ago
I feel lucky I didn’t get any side effects, aside from a sore arm. Several people I know felt really bad. Hopefully your second dose is boring!
3 years ago
I fucking hope so!
3 years ago
yay! glad you feel better!
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