3 years ago
closeup. little light.still testing out all the different viewers, do most of you still work with firestorm or is black dragon your main viewer of choice now? Or alternate of both?
latest #22
I use firestorm for regular stuff and black dragon for pictures (if i remember and aren't too lazy to change)
also I LOVE YOUR FAISE!!!!! i squealed a little earlier when i saw you log in
3 years ago
chandnikhondji: OMG JESS HHSHDYWJSHEH hugssssss I miss u! I see you from time to time in my rl feeds so I know ur doing amazing but omg I has missed!!!
ohmai: <33333333333 I MISS YOU TOO!
3 years ago
Ah ok, I was thinking black dragon actually performs really well on my computer but I definitely miss the features of firestorm like a built in ao and stuff
Yeah.. I also am using Alchemy because it needs less resources but only for stuff that doesn't need me to see posts aimed at me because it doesn't have keyword alerts (LOL)
because I got back into MM and I need them!
3 years ago
chandnikhondji: oooo alchemy?! Is that another viewer?
3 years ago
chandnikhondji: thank you! I’m still trying to look into all the things that I’ve missed while being away so this is super helpful and interesting! Alsooo omg welcome back to MM! Heee
Yes so many things changed! all the mesh stuff and animesh and EEP instead of windlights and what not! AND THANK YOU!
3 years ago
chandnikhondji: I LOVE animesh, those are brilliant, I saw the entire production of it but never in action so it’s so nice to see it utilized in the grid. Now I gotta read up about EEP!
3 years ago
3 years ago
Firestorm ar Black dragon
3 years ago
so pretty
3 years ago
beautiful pic <3
3 years ago
I’ve missed you! I use FS for regular, BD for pictures. I was on Hoggy yesterday (we have Godric’s Hollow now) and was so happy seeing your name ❤️❤️❤️
Wicca Merlin
3 years ago
Firestorm is good enough for me... you still do stunning pictures, so good to see you back
3 years ago
I haven't gotten around to giving Black Dragon a try yet. It does seem to give stunning visuals, but I also need many of Firestorm's advanced features, so there you have it.
3 years ago
Saffpots: I missed u too!!! I'm so happy to still see the sim thriving, all the fun stuff!
3 years ago
slutrix: I'm actually so surprised by how fast black dragon functions for me, but I still need alot of the FS stuff so I'll be alternating for sure!
3 years ago
ohmai: For in-world photography, Phototools are indispensable for me. In fact, I'd really like to see the DoF controls work more like an RL zoom lens, where I can quickly choose the focal length and aperture (f-number) from a bunch of well-established and very useful selections, without duplicate settings.
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