3 years ago
Logged into sl today to find EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED! Or so it seems~ Feels like starting brand new all over again! All the heads, bodies, they’re gorgeous but much to explore and relearn :3
latest #36
Dakota Revolver
3 years ago
Oh hiiieee
3 years ago
Did you get an all-new computer or something?
3 years ago
Kittyrevolver: hieee :3
3 years ago
slutrix: haha I just haven’t logged in much for about 2 years at this point, or 3? I’m not sure. I used to always log in with a Mac too and now I’m predominantly windows... so yeah tons of changes!
Tortured Poet
3 years ago
Hello! And yes! I had the same reaction last month when I logged back in after several years!
Gogo ♔
3 years ago
Welcome back
3 years ago
shilohselene: haha yeah omgosh but it’s incredible how much mesh has grown
3 years ago
Anemysk: I think..... we need the hud and click bom? And it should work?! Lollll I’m actually not 100% sure, I was struggling and logged off before seeing it through, but will try again tomorrow!
3 years ago
gogolita: thank you! Hugs :3
Izzie Bizzie
3 years ago
hiiii anya! check out Skell's tutorials, they are super helpful: Tutorial: Activating Bakes on Mesh on your mesh head... and Bakes on Mesh ‘for Dummies’
3 years ago
IzzieButton: thank you!!!!
3 years ago
Whiskey Neat
3 years ago
Welcome back!
3 years ago
WhiskeyMonday: thank you! So glad to see you’re still posting incredible work :-D I really missed seeing them and feeling inspired from the ideas you put forth!
Whiskey Neat
3 years ago
ohmai: oh gosh, thank you!!! <3
3 years ago
Hiiiii, I saw you sneaking on and off. Welcome back, you have been missed
3 years ago
Hi. welcome back
Andel Rhiadra
3 years ago
Anya! Welcome back!
3 years ago
3 years ago
welcome back! Now bring Sue back too :-D
Darling Potato
3 years ago
Allegory says
3 years ago
welcome back! getting TO bom is confusing, everyone is doing it different so you gotta find the right hud or button for your particular bits, but once you've got it set up, it's easy! also go get redeliveries of head/body first, as they might have easier to update versions.
3 years ago
hiiii <3
3 years ago
eviehartshon: funny enough she logged in the same day I did hahahaa! Total coincidence!
3 years ago
Allegory: yes! I’m starting to get the hang of it, I only regret deleting every single system layer item I use to have, but it’s a good way to almost cleanse and restart :-D
3 years ago
Thank you for all the warm welcome backs, missed u guys!
3 years ago
Lol i had the same, that BOM drove me insane, and it's more for girls so i just bought a new boat :-P
3 years ago
samlaszlo: I LOVE that lol!
3 years ago
When I leave and come back, I always get too overwhelmed with updates and wonder how complete noobs even do it. There's no way I could come in as a noob to SL these days.
Allegory says
3 years ago
ohmai: it's an excuse to go shopping! ;-)
3 years ago
lyrpop: I was thinking the same thing! I’m so happy with how the quality is getting but I think it gets less and less user friendly over time as well. As a noob I’d never be patient enough to get to all the good stuff
3 years ago
Allegory: so much shopping!! Though I’m trying to be good and organize better this time lol
Allegory says
3 years ago
ohmai: hahahah GOOD LUCK
3 years ago
Welcome back! I'm excited to see what you'll create with all the new settings!
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